The registration for a course or the renewal of a course is completed by a written agreement between the customer and inlingua or by the partial or total payment of the invoice.
SOLO and DUO = 10 hrs
WEEKLY = 4 consecutive weeks (2 consecutive weeks if single participant)
INTENSIVE = 1 week (5 consecutive days)
Unless otherwise stated, our invoices are due and payable within 30 days. We offer the choice between Postpay billing (monthly statement of lessons taken) or Prepay billing (global invoice for the entire course). The only exception is the INTENSIVE course, which is due and payable in advance (before beginning the course).
Any and all cancellations must be submitted solely and exclusively in writing to the secretariat. The cancellation will be confrmed to you in writing as well within three working days.
15 days before the start of the course or earlier: inlingua retains 10% of the total amount.
Between 2 weeks and 8 days before the start of the course: inlingua retains 30% of the total amount.
Between 7 and 0 days before the start of the course: inlingua retains 100% of the amount.
WEEKLY and INTENSIVE courses: Cannot be cancelled or interrupted. All courses that have started must be paid in full. There are no refunds or make-ups for missed lessons.
SOLO and DUO courses: Students may transfer their remaining lessons to a third party, request an extension of their validity period, or transfer the value of any credited lessons to any inlingua center in the world. If none of the above options are chosen, no refund is possible.
Purchased lessons must be fully taken within one year of the date of registration or extension. After this point, they are forfeit.
The administration automatically contacts the students be- fore a course ends, usually three lessons before its end. The sole exception is for INTENSIVE courses, which students must renew at the latest by Thursday noon for the following week.
The decision to open the WEEKLY and INTENSIVE courses is solely and exclusively at the discretion of inlingua. We reserve the right to make any and all changes at any time necessary to ensure the smooth performance of the course. The customer’s cancellation or interruption of the course because of the com- position or restructuring of a course and for any reason what- soever is precluded and will result in the loss of the balance available for the customer’s use.
inlingua offers group courses with as few as one enrolled stu- dent. Whenever a group is formed from its inception or suddenly falls to 1 participant, the number of consecutive lessons is ad- justed as follows:
WEEKLY course
4 weeks (1 hour 30 minutes/week) for between 2 and 4 partici- pants, 2 weeks for a single participant.
1 week (2 hours 30 minutes/day ) for between 2 and 4 partici- pants, 1 hour 15 minutes/day for a single participant)
WEEKLY and INTENSIVE courses: Schedules are fxed and set by inlingua in agreement with the customer. They cannot be changed by the students or the trainer for the duration of the course.
SOLO and DUO courses: The schedule or the frst lesson is set by inlingua. The schedule for the following lessons is agreed by the student(s) directly with the trainer during their lesson or exclusively with the administration if the next lesson cannot be scheduled at that time. inlingua does not accept any responsi- bility for errors and their consequences that could result from the failure to observe this procedure.
Any absence must be reported as soon as possible solely by send- ing an e-mail to
Missed lessons are not refundable and cannot be made up. This rule also applies in case of illness or any other reason beyond the control of inlingua.
SOLO and DUO courses
Lessons cancelled before 5:00 p.m. the day before (5:00 p.m. on Friday for Monday lessons) are not charged. Any cancellation (for whatever reason, even in case of force majeure) occurring after these deadlines is considered late and will result in the loss of credit.
inlingua reserves the right to replace the trainer temporarily or permanently for good reason. The customer cannot claim any compensation following a change of trainer.
Classes cancelled by inlingua owing to illness or other hindranc- es of the trainer are never charged to the customer and must be made up afterwards.
It is strictly forbidden to engage (with or without remuneration, as an employee or as a freelancer) a trainer or former trainer for language courses apart from inlingua. Failure to comply with this provision will result in a penalty of CHF 15’000 per incident.
The coffee break, if desired by the students, is included in the course duration.
Our teams are available to the students and the people in charge of the organization of the courses if there should be any problems or complaints.
Please do not ever leave your belongings unattended. inlingua is not responsible any items lost or stolen on its premises or during lessons given away from the premises by its trainers.
Legal relationships between the customer and inlingua Léman/ Aareland are governed by Swiss law. The place of performance, the exclusive venue for any and all types of proceedings and lawsuits is Lausanne (for courses conducted by Moraine SA) and Geneva (for courses conducted by EFP SA).
Lausanne/Geneva, 04.2023
Métro | M1 | M2 | LEB : Arrêt Lausanne-Flon |
Bus | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 | 17 : Arrêt Bel-Air |
Voiture | Parking Chauderon – Parking du Centre – Parking Migros Métropole |
Public Transport | Geneva train station (train, streetcar, bus). Use the Lausanne-side underpass and exit on the north side. To the right of the Oh Martine!café, take the footbridge to the Montbrillant district. |
Car | Parking des Arcades – Parking Cornavin – Parking Montbrillant |