business man texting on the street


Management and course follow-up

All of our schools offer courses. inlingua Company Center also offers, at no extra cost, a wide range of services aimed at helping to reduce the time required by your HR to manage and monitor people in training to a minimum.

Our pedagogical, administrative and accounting teams support your HR and your learners throughout the training process and beyond. Being dedicated to each customer and using our extensive knowledge of internal company processes are our specialty.

Administrative follow-up: rigorous and efficient

a solid framework with appropriate measures

  • Online HR platform for total management of training measures
  • Administrative responsiveness according to contractually established procedures
  • Addressing, format and frequency of invoicing according to your needs
  • Dedicated staff on the inlingua side (single point of contact)
  • Management of local, regional, national or international training projects
seven administrative steps

Proactive management

Attentive supervision and listening at all times

  • Before any training, inlingua analyses your concrete objectives by collecting your precise needs and sets up a complete and reliable initial evaluation, both written and oral
  • The information collected allows for the recommendation of a tailor-made program
  • After taking all parameters into account, the chosen training plan is implemented
  • inlingua takes care of the material and the practical organisation of the courses
  • The flexibility of the program during the training is ensured through the permanent control of the coordinator
  • Participants and training managers guide the training through their input and feedback
  • Regular evaluations are carried out during training
  • Permanent communication with trainers, participants and the company, allow for a dynamic offer as well as a fast and efficient adaptation / change if necessary
  • A final evaluation measures the progress made by the learners
  • At the end of the training, a detailed progress report is issued, accompanied by advice on the next steps

inlingua Léman

Accueil Clients | Administration | Salles de cours
Rue des Terreaux 17, CH-1003 Lausanne
+41 21 323 94 15
Salles de cours
Rue des Gares 7, 1201 Genève
Contactez-nous par téléphone ou e-mail
+41 22 732 40 20
Horaires du secrétariat
Lu. à Ve.           8h30 – 12h30 | 13h30 – 17h30
Accès Lausanne
MétroM1 | M2 | LEB : Arrêt Lausanne-Flon
Bus1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 | 17 : Arrêt Bel-Air
VoitureParking Chauderon – Parking du Centre – Parking Migros Métropole
Nos locaux se trouvent au 4ème étage mais aucune marche n’en empêche l’accès. Deux ascenseurs sont à votre disposition. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez-nous par téléphone.
Accès Genève
Transports publicGare de Genève (Train, tram, bus). Utilisez le passage sous-voies coté Lausanne et sortez du côté Nord. À droite du café Oh Martine! utilisez la passerelle pour vous rendre dans le quartier de Montbrillant.
VoitureParking des Arcades – Parking Cornavin – Parking Montbrillant
Nos bureau se trouvent au rez-de-chaussée et sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez-nous par téléphone.

Les sociétés du groupe Moraine

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