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Goethe Test Pro

A fast and reliable way to test
the business German level

The Goethe-Test PRO is a German language assessment service.
By testing a number of linguistic skills, the Goethe-Test PRO
produces accurate language profiles of candidates.

Goethe-Test PRO Lese- und Hörverständnis

Currently only in Lausanne
Payment upon registration by:
download FLYER

The service provides

Relevant, useful and reliable language tests in work contexts
Test administration to suit the client / company’s individual requirements
Immediate result
Information to help the interpretation of test results
Advice to companies on appropriate strategies for language testing,
assessing language needs (language auditing) and training
Results are based on the levels of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Goethe-Test PRO
Reading and Listening

Tests comprehension of reading & listening, grammar and vocabulary
Takes approximately 1 hour
Precise assessment of the language level, based on an adaptive testing method that adjusts the question to the level of the previous answer
The result is available as soon as the test is finished

Companies and organisations

Primarily use the Goethe-Test PRO in a human resources context for the assessment of German language skills of job applicants and existing staff. Additionally, it is increasingly being used for the monitoring and support of language training in companies. For example, it may be used to track language gain over an extended training period. Companies and organisations also use the Goethe-Test PRO for benchmarking purposes, setting linguistic goals and assessing employees’ achievements against these criteria.


Can make use of the Goethe-Test PRO in a number of ways. On the one hand, they can use the Goethe-Test PRO as an indicator of German language ability in a CV. Alternatively, individuals can use the Goethe-Test PRO to confirm the assessment of a standard certificate (e.g. Goethe Zertifikat: B1) which may have been obtained sometime in the past. It can also serve as a recommendation to an individual as to which standard exam he or she should prepare for..

inlingua Léman

Accueil Clients | Administration | Salles de cours
Rue des Terreaux 17, CH-1003 Lausanne
+41 21 323 94 15
Salles de cours
Rue des Gares 7, 1201 Genève
Contactez-nous par téléphone ou e-mail
+41 22 732 40 20
Horaires du secrétariat
Lu. à Ve.           8h30 – 12h30 | 13h30 – 17h30
Accès Lausanne
MétroM1 | M2 | LEB : Arrêt Lausanne-Flon
Bus1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 | 17 : Arrêt Bel-Air
VoitureParking Chauderon – Parking du Centre – Parking Migros Métropole
Nos locaux se trouvent au 4ème étage mais aucune marche n’en empêche l’accès. Deux ascenseurs sont à votre disposition. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez-nous par téléphone.
Accès Genève
Transports publicGare de Genève (Train, tram, bus). Utilisez le passage sous-voies coté Lausanne et sortez du côté Nord. À droite du café Oh Martine! utilisez la passerelle pour vous rendre dans le quartier de Montbrillant.
VoitureParking des Arcades – Parking Cornavin – Parking Montbrillant
Nos bureau se trouvent au rez-de-chaussée et sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez-nous par téléphone.

Les sociétés du groupe Moraine

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