swiss exam services map


Your Cambridge examination centre
in the heart of Lausanne

Simplify your life and put all the chances of success on your side
by choosing to prepare and take your diploma in the same place.

inlingua Léman is one of the few language centres that also
has a Cambridge examination centre, via its partner Swiss-Exams.

In order to offer a complete range of language services under one roof, inlingua Léman has joined forces with Swiss-Exams, the leading Swiss examination provider, to open the first Cambridge CB (Computer Based) examination centre in French-speaking Switzerland in the heart of Lausanne.

You will benefit from preparatory courses given online or in inlingua Léman's high standard premises by specialist trainers-examiners, and from the competence and award-winning customer service of Swiss Exams.


  • You can now receive results within 15 days (previously, 5 weeks)
  • Second appointment in case of illness, inability to reach the exam center, or if you’ve failed by 3 points or less
  • Choice of partner for the speaking part of the exam
  • Largest selection of exams and dates
  • Online registration and payment
  • Information phone line 7/7


inlingua Léman

Reception | Administration | Classrooms

Rue des Terreaux 17, CH-1003 Lausanne
+41 21 323 94 15
Online, in-house or at home courses
Contact us by phone or e-mail
+41 22 732 40 20
Contact us
Office Hours in Lausanne
Mo. to Fr.           8.30am – 12.30am | 1.30pm – 5.30pm        
Lausanne Access
MétroM1 | M2 | LEB : Arrêt Lausanne-Flon
Bus1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 13 | 17 : Arrêt Bel-Air
VoitureParking Chauderon – Parking du Centre – Parking Migros Métropole
Our offices are located on the fourth floor but with two
lifts available there is easy wheelchair access.
For more information, please contact us by telephone.
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